Aquamarine is the birthstone for those lucky enough to be born in March.
The word Aquamarine is a combination of two words "aqua" meaning water and "marina" meaning the sea - the colour of the sea. It is the blue to blue-green member of the beryl family and forms in terminated crystals (6-sided crystals).
Aquamarines can range from a very light, almost imperceptible colour to stones with a rich vibrant colour. Stones with a rich blue colour are the most popular, the rarest and there most valuable. It is such a popular gemstone that it can be found in almost any jewelry store in the United States.
Most gem-quality aquamarine crystals form in cavities below Earth's surface during the late stages of a magma body's civilization. They are usually found in granite pegmatites and from veins in metamorphic rocks.
Treasured by mermaids, it is known as the "Sailor's Gem" as it was believed to protect sailors from the perils of the sea, Neptune. It is also said to make the wearer feel calm and is thought to enhance the happiness of marriages, love, courage, hope and good health.